Why a Podcast Can Be Great for Your Brand

If you’re in the business of marketing or growing your brand, you’ve probably considered starting a podcast before. And if you’re anything like me, you haven’t done so because it seems too hard to do! But podcasts are much easier than you might think, and they can be hugely beneficial to your brand, primarily when used as an additional platform with other forms of content marketing. Here are some reasons why starting a podcast might be worth your while!

A Short History of Podcasting

Though marketing podcasts are relatively new, they’ve already changed how we do business. Distributing podcasts was once a difficult task, and that is until Apple came along. In early 2005, Apple added podcast support to its iPod line of devices, and listeners became aware of other businesses making podcasts—many were marketing them to niche audiences. According to Edison Research, 64 million Americans have listened to at least one podcast—and that number is on its way up. These statistics should tell you that podcasts are popular and here to stay; if your brand wants to engage a niche audience without breaking your budget, it might be time for a podcast! Read on to learn more about why a podcast can be great for your brand. 

How to Create Business Podcasts

Take your marketing to new heights by launching a podcast. A podcast is an audio recording that you make available online. People can listen to it while they commute, work out, or clean their house, giving you more opportunities to connect with potential customers and existing customers alike. Like with video, if you have great content that people love, your business can grow exponentially with podcasts. But how do you get started? Here’s everything you need to know about creating podcasts for your brand.

Tips for Launching a Business Podcast

It’s true; podcasts are hot. So if you’re planning on launching your podcast business venture, there’s never been a better time. But what exactly do you need to know before you get started? While podcasts can be great for building your brand and reaching new customers, they can also come with some unexpected challenges. In many ways, podcasts mirror blogging in that they require regular content production and constant promotion across social media platforms and other channels. Remember that clear audio is critical. If you’re running a podcast with a guest over the internet, remember to ensure that you and your guest(s) have a strong internet connection, or the podcast will be riddled with awkward speech delays and cut-offs. A strong internet connection and a quality microphone are essential. 

The Advantages of Having a Podcast

While podcasts do have their drawbacks, they can also be highly beneficial. In fact, according to NAMIC and Edison Research, 58% of consumers say that they’re more likely to trust brands that are active on social media. If you want your brand to be seen as an authority in your industry (and you should), a podcast could be great for your business’s overall marketing strategy. A few ways podcasts benefit brands include

 1) Increased Traffic: Since podcasts are audio content that can easily stream online or through iTunes, having one can increase traffic on your website and social media pages. 

2) Better SEO Ranking: Producers will find it easier to reach relevant keywords in their search rankings by having more content on your site.

3) Brand affinity, whether towards the brand or you as the face or voice of the company. 

Launch Your Business Podcast Effectively

Before getting started, you’ll want to make sure that your podcast aligns with your overall brand. It needs to sound like it belongs with all of your other marketing efforts, so if you have a lot of different voices in play—like an Instagram channel and website—consider bringing those together under one voice. Once you have established a voice on social media and elsewhere, your podcast should be no different. As far as what goes into each episode, make sure you always share value. People don’t subscribe to podcasts they don’t find exciting or entertaining. If there is no content to keep them coming back, they won’t return. In addition to being fun, every podcast episode should contain at least one call-to-action (CTA). A CTA could be asking listeners to check out a new product or service, sign up for a newsletter, visit your website or even share their opinion about something. You need to ask listeners to do something before signing off at the end of every show. Remember, The more people who listen to your podcast and take action based on what they hear, the better you have of growing your business through word-of-mouth.

How Do I Prepare For A Podcast?

Nothing is worse than getting excited about having a podcast and then realizing you have no idea how to get started. To prepare, do some research on your podcast’s content, outline what you want to talk about and even find topics that will become recurring segments. When you go into recording, you’ll stay on track more quickly and know what direction your podcast is going in. Another thing I recommend before recording is to look over all of your notes, outline, and script—but don’t read it out loud! Just giving yourself plenty of time will help immensely.

What Is The Best Way To Get New People To Listen To My Podcast?

Every podcast begins with one question. What is it? It doesn’t have to be complicated, but it needs to capture who you are and what you’re doing. So, if you want more people to listen to your podcast, consider asking your first question in your first episode. Tell listeners why they should care about your show. Start by mentioning why you decided to launch one in the first place (that’s usually a good reason), and then give examples of how listening can help them do something or achieve something, like take an online course or start their own business. And always end with an ask: asking listeners to leave a review on iTunes is one easy way; asking listeners directly to share with their friends is another great option!

Check out Out Our Favorite Podcasting Gear to Get Started:


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