Why you should be repurposing your content.

Marketing your content is challenging. Not only do you have to figure out what to share with your audience, but you also have to worry about how you will get it in front of them. If you're not using social media, then you have to rely on writing guest posts, submitting articles, or contacting influencers who might be interested in sharing your work. While all these options are great, they aren't always easy to pull off, which is why so many content marketers choose to repurpose their content instead of creating something entirely new.

How NOT to repurpose your content

1. Don't simply hit publish and then forget about your post.

2. Don't post the same thing on every social media platform.

3. Don't regurgitate the same information in a different format just for the sake of it. 4) Don't take shortcuts by plagiarizing other people's work.

5. Don't try to make old content fit a new format - it won't work, and you'll end up with something that's forced and unnatural.

6. Don't forget to edit and proofread your repurposed content before publishing.

7. And finally, don't think repurposing is a one-time thing - it's an ongoing process that can (and should!) be incorporated into your content strategy from day one.

How to UNIQUELY repurpose your content

You know what they say, content is king. But what if you don't have the time or resources to create new content? That's where repurposing comes in. Repurposing content is taking your existing content and turning it into something new. This can be anything from a blog post to a social media graphic to an email newsletter. And the best part? It's unique to you! How many other people are publishing the same thing you are? Zero. Every piece of content has its own set of benefits that make it unique, so there is no need to worry about being repetitive. You can turn a single blog post into multiple posts by splitting text sections, rewording them, adding images, and embedding different videos. You can also turn one blog post into an infographic or presentation with simple design skills like PowerPoint or Keynote software. You could use certain sections of text as tweets or Facebook updates with just a few edits here and there. The possibilities for how you can UNIQUELY repurpose your content are endless. So why not give it a try?

How CAN you repurpose your content?

1. You can use it as a blog post on your website. This is a great way to attract new readers and give them a taste of what you offer.

2. You can break it into smaller pieces and use them as social media posts. This is a great way to reach a larger audience and get people talking about your brand.

3. You can use it as an email newsletter. This is a great way to keep your subscribers engaged and informed about what's going on with your business.

4. You can use it as an ebook or report. This is a great way to generate leads and build your list of potential customers.

5. You can use it as an advertising tool.

Tools For Repurposing

There are many tools available to help you repurpose your content. Advertising platforms like Google AdWords and Facebook Ads can help you reach new audiences with your existing content. Social media platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn offer excellent opportunities to share your content with new people. And, of course, several software programs can help you automate the process of repurposing content.

Examples of Great Brands Using Repurposed Content

1. Old Spice - The man your man could smell like the campaign was originally just a few commercials. But they took the idea and ran with it, creating an entire social media campaign around the character.

2. Taco Bell - They took a viral fan-made commercial and created an advertising campaign around it.

3. Hyundai - Hyundai used footage from the movie Transformers to create an ad that played in movie theaters before the film started.

4. Apple - Apple has used old product videos and ads to sell new products. For example, they aired a commercial during the 2014 Super Bowl that featured footage from the 1984 Super Bowl commercial for the Macintosh computer. It's great to see how far Apple has come since then!

Apple also released a video of the Mac Pro assembled in 2013 that helped raise hype for their newest product. And don't forget Steve Jobs's 'One More Thing' at all his presentations. Even though he wasn't talking about one thing, he always showed something extra at the end of his speech!

Don't have time or money? Try using Vine, Instagram stories, tweets, or Snapchat filters to provide unique content for your followers and customers. You can even use a different app to take screenshots on your phone if you want to do something different. Just make sure you're using them appropriately and ethically!


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